A review by yvo_about_books
The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer


 Finished reading: December 12th 2023

"Always remember that the only wishes ever granted are the wishes of brave children who keep on wishing even when it seems no one is listening because someone always is. Someone like me. Keep wishing. I’m listening."

I kept hearing fantastic things about The Wishing Game, and after I saw it was nominated for the Goodreads Choice Awards I decided to give in and finally read it as I hadn't read ANY of the fiction nominations yet. I'm glad I did, because I can definitely understand the love for this story now! Whimsical, heartfelt, sad, hopeful... It is hard to put this story in a neat little genre box, but I can guarantee it will win over your heart and take you on the most incredible journey. There is a lot to love in The Wishing Game... I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but what I can say is that if you love a bookish story, you will be in for an absolute treat. Both the Clock Island books, its author AND illustrator play a key role in the plot, and I loved how it showed the power and importance of books for children and adults alike. The descriptions of the Clock Island itself are wonderful, and it gave the whole story that whimsical and magical realism feel without overpowering the plot. The story was a lot heavier and sad than expected, but this was balanced with moments of hope and even a dash of romance. The characters are a true delight, and part of the reason this book works so well... This is a story that will stay with me for a long time. 

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