A review by cassiakarin
The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World by Mike Grady, Peter Wohlleben


Likely a favorite read for the entire year…I felt it could almost be an appendix to Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings…the mysteries and enchantments and old-world-wonders match that of the great epic tales of Ents, and wizards, and of Old Tom Bombadil himself.
The world we know just keeps getting better the better we know it, and I have been sincerely touch and changed by my now increased—though ever minuscule—understanding of such different creatures than myself. Trees are a wonder, and Wohlleben’s lessons on their personalities, characters, and communities has enlarged my perspective, my heart, and my enthusiasm for the great outdoors like a child to a new ability of climbing a new height.
Simply delightful.