A review by itputsthebookupontheshelf
Master of Sorrows by Justin Travis Call


This book was so good. I knew I was going to love it when I first read the synopsis and I'm so glad it lived up to my expectations.

Annev is such a great character and despite his deformity and not being accepted by his peers (who don't know about his deformity), he still tries so hard to be true to himself and treat others with kindness. He gets caught in his emotions of wanting to become an Avatar and not letting his mentor down. Until he is left with no choice but to be who he is.

I loved all the charcters. Each had their part to play in the story in leading it along.

There was no unnecessary characters or information just thrown in there to bulk up the story. Everything had a reason and brough so much to the worldbuilding.

I loved the relationship between Annev and his mentor Sodar, who reaised him. There was struggle and sacrifice, but above all, their was a love and friendship that couldn't be broken.

The story itself was written so well with so much history and myth. The stories of the old gods and prophesies add so much to the story and without it all, it would have just been another fantasy read. So thankful it wasn't!

Justin T. Call is off to a great start with this enthrwaling debut novel. I honestly can not wait to read more of this world and any other works he comes out with.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Publishers for an arc of this title in excnage for an honest review