A review by jamies_shelves
How Not to Date a Demon by Lana Kole

Did not finish book. Stopped at 60%.
lighthearted fast-paced


Cute story and romance.

I liked the characters and couple, but don't feel a super strong connection to them.

I know this was a VERY short story, and just focused on the romance, but I wish we got more.

I want to know why Galen chose to fall from heaven and become a demon instead of an angel. I can't believe he told Maeve he was born as an angel and fell and she didn't immediately ask why. Insane.

I was hoping the epilogue would give us more, but instead it was just another sex scene (which don't get me I love, but not for an epilogue, it was pointless) and an excuse to introduce daddy kink. Honestly the amount of times she said daddy in that one chapter was way too much. Granted, I don't have a daddy kink, but I can normally read it fine. But this one actually annoyed me. It's also probably why I gave it 3.5 stars and not 4.