A review by kfriend
The Masks and The Dancer by Bea Paige


What a finale! The Masks, the stolen dancer, and the Menagerie are back in this heart stopping coda to the Their Obsession duet. And what a psychologically rich conclusion to this seductive and enigmatic story- one full of darkness and action but whose real heart is the existential awakening of the namesake characters and those around them. This is a story that is so much more than the words on the page- this is a story about the legacy of trauma and pain and the restorative potential of selfless love.

This story is certainly decadently dark, even as our Masks learn to reawaken the pieces of their humanity, it doesn’t fully erase the dark parts of their souls. The dangerous, cruel, and punishing reality of the menagerie is still front and center, and Bea goes there. But whereas darkness was dished atmospherically in the first book, to build our setting and to unmask the brutality and brokenness of our there leading men and to magnify the trauma of Christy’s survival, in book 2 the darkness really serves as a contrast, a pithy juxtaposition to the journey of the story- the masks’ release from its hold. We can’t truly see how far the Masks have fallen, how much of their souls have been lost, without seeing the worst in them. And we can’t truly understand what a herculean journey it is for them to find healing and redemption without the contrast of their depravity. But whereas the dark wowed, seduced, and distressed in book 1, it’s the tenderness that compels in book 2. The little moments and gestures where we see a spark of more in the Masks. And that is where this book really excels- in the quiet moments, the intimate ones, the ones still enough for us to see the humanity and feeling slowly seeping out of the Masks. Those parts of the story grab you whole. The subtle complexity of them, the brilliant way she composes an existential crisis that is equal parts violent and peaceful are so profoundly riveting, so much so I was scared to breathe for fear of breaking the transfixing emotional spell these characters have on each other.

It’s in those moments where the character journey of the Masks comes to life. And it’s so much more than a character journey- these characters move mountains when it comes to their own metaphysical rebirth. From the start, I found this duet to be such a thrilling and complicated psychological study. A study of the tension of nature and nurture when it comes to our identities, a study of the complicated and duplicitous cycle of trauma, of the universality and specificity of personal pain. This is a story about how the warring tendencies for goodness and darkness easily coexist within us, how easily adversity tips the scales, but how ultimately the key to maintaining humanity comes down to conscious choice. That is the journey of the Masks- their zero becomes their EVERYTHING, and in doing so she shines light on the parts of themselves they thought were dead. The mask they wear have always been an allegory, a physical manifestation of the thematic richness of this story. These three men sacrificed their identities and their humanity for the safety of darkness and anonymity. And as we learn more and more about them, we discover just how the monsters they were shaped into were a huge part of their survival. They buried their humanity to cope , and the only question remains, is there any left? And with Christy chipping away at the illusion, the artifice they’ve created when it comes to who they are, will they fight it? Because even if their darkness comes from a painful past, somewhere along the way they started to relish it- be seduced by the power it gave them. So it’s really not about whether the masks can evolve, it's if they are willing. But Bea doesn’t just unmask them, she SHATTERS them, completely. Each in their own way. And we see a whole new dimension to our ruthless masks. Some may think their evolution is lightning speed, but I love how Bea gives it urgency, how easily their humanity is freed, because love is what breaks them.

And while the Mask journey is poignant and gripping, lest we not forget whose story this really is- Christy’s. Hers is the courage I laud the most. Sure, the Masks have to face hard truths and courageously face their demons in this story, but the real bravery lies with Christy. The stolen girl who is courageous enough to not just challenge them, but to ultimately to love them. Compassion, empathy, and forgiveness require true vulnerability and risk, and despite her powerless position and her own trauma, Christy finds the fortitude to open her heart and to see something worth saving in these seemingly heartless men. She has the hardest metamorphosis of all, because not only does she have to catalyze the existential liberation of others, but she also has to find and embrace her own power. The meek, kidnapped dancer becomes Bea’s most powerful and fierce heroine to date- not because of her grit or edge, but because of the magnitude of her heart.

Ironically Bea’s most dark and devastating story also is her most hopeful one- from tragedy and pain comes restoration and healing. Our characters finally stopping hiding away as a form of survival and find a way to thrive- because they lean into the parts of themselves that are hurt, into the feelings that leave us vulnerable. But that vulnerability is the ultimate strength, what lets our humanity win, what let’s love heal. What keeps us free. If only we are brave enough to choose to breathe into that part of ourselves. And that’s the power of Bea Paige in this story- yet another breathtakingly engaging, emotionally resonant, and perfectly poignant story of the indomitable but complicated nature of the human heart.