A review by amandaventure
Black Moon by Romina Russell


HOLY. SHIT. I… I just… I’m flabbergasted. That ENDING! Now I have to wait until next August! How am I going to do it! I need to know now!!!!! OK… I’m going to calm down for a minute then continue on with this review… OK… I’m better now. I’m going to talk about the normal non-spoiler-y stuff first and then everything else is going in a spoiler because I need to geek out about it.

It may be unintentional but the political atmosphere in Black Moon is a strangely accurate portrayal of the current geopolitical climate of our own world. In the Zodiac universe the Cancrians are now refugees. They have no home, no money, nothing. Since Aryll was a terrorist and was hiding among the Cancrians there is speculation that the refugees could have more terrorists among them. Therefore, the other houses are considering turning them away. It’s quite similar to the current situation in Syria. Also in the Zodiac galaxy a new political group, The Tomorrow Party, is coming to power. I suppose I thought it was a tongue and cheek satire of blind liberalism because they were coming together to create a literal rather than metaphorical bubble to live in. Of course The Tomorrow Party had nefarious intentions and things weren’t really like that but that’s all I’m going to say because spoilers.

Rho finally makes up her damn mind about boys! Love triangles are annoying so I was happy to have it officially resolved.
Spoiler OF COURSE SHE LOVES HYSAN! HE’S AMAZING! Rho had a really great line with Matthias when things were ending between them. She basically says that the love between them is more of a memory than something in the present. It really summed up their relationship perfectly. Also I liked the idea of Matthias and Pandora getting together. So I’m incredibly pleased with the resolution here.
Regardless of who her love interest is, I feel like the Zodiac series has a modern and feminist perspective on sexuality. Rho comes from a matriarchal society. She therefore knows she can decide on her own whether to be with someone or not. She chooses to engage in sex because it’s what she wants. No one is pressuring her into it. It comes down to choice and Rho has the right to choose.

Ok… now I’m going to geek out!
1. NISHI! NOOOOO! She’s prisoner of The Tomorrow Party! This is left unresolved! UGHHHHH!
2. Ochus has a physical body again! Who knows what’s going to happen there… maybe he will defeat Aquarius?
3. CROMPTON IS THE ORIGINAL GUARDIAN AQUARIUS! AND HE’S EVIL! Whaaaat!? I was on the right track before. I thought maybe Vecily could be the master because the stolen Ophiuchus talisman contained immortality. I had the right idea but the wrong culprit.
4. STANTON! WTF ROMINA! Stop. Deke was bad enough. You can’t take Stanton too. No. No. No.
5. THAT ENDING! Such a cliffhanger! I assume Rho either gets shot with the sumber and will be trapped in dreams in the beginning of Thirteen Rising or maybe the scarab is something other than a weapon. Maybe it’s a teleporter? I think Scorpio will have a very large part in the events to come. They are always so self-isolating but I think Skiff truly respects Rho. Who knows…

In the end, we finally get to see the endgame and its players. The only thing I know for sure after reading Black Moon is that things are going to get much, much worse for the Zodiac before they get any better. August is so far away! I need Thirteen Rising now!