A review by upbeatmetaphor
Things We Knew Were True by Nicci Gerrard


A dresser complete with pink flowers, pink lipstick, pink make-up dust and a pink-lined compact mirror. They're all in front of pink wallpaper. The author's name and book title are in a soft font, while the reviews are in- that's right- pink.

Ah! So this is a woman's book, whatever one of those is! Well, no..

So yes, there are a lot of female characters, all dealing with growing pains or the dramas of their twilight years, which perhaps explains the rather hacky marketing of the jacket cover, but there is nothing specifically gendered about what they go through. In fact all the genders in the book could be inverted, scrubbed, or replaced with a commune of homosocial/homosexual individuals, and the story would still make just as much sense.

It's a book that's both depressingly uplifting and upliftingly depressing. A pointless but pointed story of how different generations of the same family make the same mistakes as they embark on the great journey of just living one day after the other.

It's [b:The Crow Road|12021|The Crow Road|Iain Banks|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1330063373l/12021._SY75_.jpg|950451] with fewer men and a much smaller ensemble. It's very human and I found it very nourishing.
