A review by booklandish
Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka


This book is not really the kind of read I would pick up normally but the reviews really piqued my interest. It is a compelling and clever piece of fiction: reads like a thriller, but lingers in your head like literary fiction. I am usually not a fan of second-person narration but in this case, it was used for one of the POVs and it just fit perfectly, adding a whole dimension to the story.

Bullet review:
- Clever narrative choices
- Thematically rich
- Thriller + lit fiction
- Thought-provoking
- Multiple POVs

I loved how the author shifted the focus from the usual serial killer fascination to the lives of the victims instead. There is also an interesting conversation to be had about prison and the death penalty. From a wider perspective, you can even discuss determinism and choice. An excellent book!