A review by haunted_air
Harley's Little Black Book #3 by Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner, Joseph Michael Linsner


Do I love every comic by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti? So far: yes.

Harley and Zatanna team up on this short, stand-alone adventure to deal with some ghosts who haunt Harley's home. Despite the unwated visitors, things don't get too scary among all the cute animals, visiting British superheroes and Harley's trademark outfit changes and inappropriate remarks.

It's always great to see characters I love team up, so I loved reading this. Zatanna didn't feel out of character, which can happen with guest appearances. I also appreciated how her annoyance at Harley's irreverence and impulsiveness didn't come arcoss as catty. Harley can be a lot to deal with, so it's easy to see why Zee was a bit frustrated at times (like when Harley deliberately keeps mispronouncing her name) but they come to like each other by the end of the story. Oh and yes, in this continuity, this is their first meeting ever because of the New 52 reset. (Again, this shows that the N52, as unwanted as it was for many longtime comic fans, is a very good starting point for new fans and I will continue to stand by that.)