A review by bookytaunton
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee


Brilliant, horrible, heart wrenching book. Read the whole thing in one day off work and came out the other side feeling like I'd been forced through a mangle.

Harper Lee's Go Set a Watchman has had some bad press, as we find out that one of the major characters isn't quite as they were cracked up to be in Mockingbird. This was the whole point of the story, and it couldn't have been written any better, in my opinion.

Scout returns home at the age of twenty six to see her world and its inhabitants aren't how they first appeared to her as they did as a child. This is a painful, triumphant coming of age story where the softer edged world of To Kill a Mockingbird is shattered, and in its place, both Scout and the reader witness a more ugly reality, which they are forced to come to terms with.

The novel especially resonated with me as I first read Mockingbird as a pre teen and I am now revisiting Scout at around the same age she is in this second outing. You feel everything right along with her, and in turn learn the same harsh lessons.

Harper Lee, you incredible, insightful meanie! I'm so happy this book was published.