A review by annaaugustineauthor
Pretense by Tara Grayce


I started this series back in 2020 (nearly a year to this date) and I became absolutely obsessed. Farrendel and Essie have stolen a piece of my heart and their families and their stories are no exception.

If you had to ask my to pick my favorite book out of this series, I would honestly have to say Pretense. While not as action packed as Troll Queen, nor as adorably awkward as Fierce Heart, it hit on two subjects very personal to me: forgiveness and trust. Jalissa just connected with me. Her struggles, her insecurities, and her inability to be open and herself except with Edmund made me feel so seen and understood. Her fight to forgive those who’d wronged her is something I’ve struggled with too and to see it so beautifully captured (along with the freedom that comes when we do) just...mmm I don’t have the words to express how much I loved this book.

All that being said...PLEASE TARA WRITE BOOK 6 NEXT! That teaser at the end wasn’t nice.