A review by all_bookedup
Beautifully Broken by Laura Lee


3.5 stars

Thank you to the Smuthood and Laura Lee for letting me be a part of this tour.

I'll start off by saying I am confused. The blurb makes it seem that this book starts, things happen, and then suddenly it's 4 years later. But we don't get to 4 years later until we are 90% done.

Kat has been through a lot, in and out of foster care homes most of her life. Her mom is a heroin addict, she doesn't know who her father is. She went through something traumatic as a freshman in high school and now she uses alcohol and (mostly) sex to numb herself. On her 18th birthday, she meets Gavin in a bar. He is recently divorced. they go home, she sneaks out of his house. Fast forward to the first day of school, she realizes that he is her teacher.

Now, this is where I have an issue. Multiple times Kat mentions they live in a small town, and everyone knows everyone's business, yet Kat is constantly at his house, they are constantly in his classroom with the door shut, and no one notices? I believe once it was mentioned they went grocery shopping together (but I could be wrong). I just don't understand how they didn't get caught by anyone else. Also, Dylan was a little pushy throughout most of the book, practically begging, and almost forcing Kat to have sex. I did not like that at all!

Don't get me wrong this was a good book, I laughed at certain parts, and I got teary at certain parts, I felt so bad for Kat at certain parts. Watching the character growth of Kat was amazing. By the end of the book, I was her biggest cheerleader. This is still one that I will recommend.