A review by karliclover
Under the Red Hood by Judd Winick


I have to admit: I watched the movie first. The movie version of this book is probably my favorite DC animated film. It's perfect.

The book is great, as well. My favorite parts were the references to the events of Identity Crisis. By the way, if you haven't read Identity Crisis, you should. It's not necessary to read before Under the Red Hood, but you'll get more of what's going on during the scenes with Green Arrow and Zatanna. Minor scenes, but they're still really good.

There are some really emotional parts, but I think the movie might actually do a better job at that. But I think the execution of the story as a whole was much better in the book.

One thing I didn't know about this book before reading it was that it takes place during Infinite Crisis (another great book, read it). There's a scene in Infinite Crisis where Bruce goes to Bludhaven to talk to Nightwing, and the conversation they have is much more meaningful now that I know what else Bruce is going through at the moment (the events of Under the Red Hood).

Another thing I didn't expect was how funny the Black Mask would be. He's hilarious! And it's just the right amount of comedy for a character like his. It's mostly sarcasm as a result of his frustration and impatience.