A review by pause_theframe
Cryptogram Chaos: A Virtual Reality Adventure by Linda Covella


This is an absolutely brilliant read. It is exciting, packed with fun and brain stimulation, and I really struggled to put it down. I believe this is easily a book that is enjoyable for all ages, from teens to adults. Having a love for gaming is a plus, but is definitely not. Must, for you to reall submerge yourself into the world the author, and the team, created.

I loved the variety of characters, from the popular to the geek. All of the labels that kids see and experience daily, are in this book. To make it excellent, the author has given a head nod to those labels and then torn down the barriers, showing how people from all backgrounds and hobbies can enjoy doing things together.

I found it very important that the relationship, between the team, didn't just click straight away. It was real, and took time to manifest, like a real friendship would, especially from an unexpected source. The evolution of their friendship was done very well, as they became closer throughout, ignoring their previous labels, but they still weren't immune to real life issues.

When the team tagged together to try and fight the chaos, from the cryptograms to the virtual fight, I found it very engaging and entertaining. I liked that you were able to jump in and solve the problems with them, really making you a part of the story.

The pace as fantastic. It kept a very smooth flow, starting off at a normal pace and then really picking up as the problems grew more urgent, which it thought made it mor realistic.

Overall, this was a fantastic read and one I highly recommend.

**I received this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.