A review by shelfportrait
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas


I finally got around to reading this book. The first time I read it, I felt the world building was too heavy and I just wasn't in the headspace to get into it. However, I have enjoyed every other Sarah J Mass book I've read, so I decided to give it another try.

Once you get into the book, it's really hard to put down. I enjoy the way Maas develops the relationships between characters in the stories. I love the way she describes action scenes. I don't really care that some aspects of it is not realistic. When I pick up a Sarah J Maas novel, I am ready to escape to a world where the impossible happens.

There are some similar tropes which she often repeats. Especially with the main characters. But as I enjoyed her other characters in her other series, this is not a problem for me.

One thing I personally did not enjoy was the amount of cursing in the dialogues. The word 'alphahole' in particular , annoyed me to no end.It's not to say the cursing itself annoyed me. But it's the reaction of the other characters to the cursing that annoyed me.There were moments where all Bryce did was curse and the way the characters react was as if she said something groundbreaking.

I'm still not sure I'm on board the Bryce/Hunt ship. I think Bryce deserve someone more. While, I appreciate Hunt's presence in the story, I do not think he added much to the investigation other than his physique. In fact, I thought he was pretty useless and made some really questionable decisions. I hope there's more character development with him for the next installment.

I loved Bryce's character in the story. I just love how Maas writes her female heroines. It's such an escape to read and be lost in their POVs.
Fury and Juniper are okay but I'm very intrigued by Jesiba, Aidas and Ithan. I hope I see more of them in the next story. I already have my hands on the next book!