A review by muggsyspaniel
The Danger Tree by Olivia Manning


I enjoyed this only slightly less than the three books of the Balkan trilogy, perhaps in part because of the setting. I've always had an interest in the Balkan region while Egypt and the sands of deserts have never particularly interested me.
The book however is excellent, characters from the original trilogy return and are joined by new additions. It is for the sections following Harriet more of the same, no bad thing, but the character Simon Boulderstone adds something completely new, we finally see the fighting men of the war rather than just the civilians.
Much as I enjoyed it it feels like part of a novel, many trilogies are three books which can be read in isolation but these books by Olivia Manning are not that in my opinion.
These tales of wartime and immense world drama seen from the point of real, ordinary people caught right in the middle and experiencing their own private, smaller scale dramas.
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