A review by kjanie
Fire in You by Jennifer L. Armentrout


3.5/5 stars

“I loved you when I was eight. I loved you when I was twelve. I loved you when I was twenty, and I... I love you now.”

It’s been so long since I’ve read a Jennifer L. Armentrout book. She has been a favourite author of mine for such a long time because I know I’ll always enjoy her books. Even though this isn’t my favourite book by her, it brought back all the warm and fuzzy feelings that I get when I read her romance books. I completely adored the romance as I expected. The characters had so much chemistry and an angst-filled history, I just gobbled it up and wanted more! I also loved the presence of the other couples that I’ve grown to love in this series, it was like one big happy family of beautiful couples. I can’t say that this book was overly unique or fantastic, but it was still romantic, heartwarming and emotional. After reading this book I want to just get cozy in my bed and read all the fluffy romance books on my shelf, but alas, life prevents me from doing so.

Jillian is already nervous for her new job at her family-owned MMA gym, but when she finds out Brock is also working there, things get a lot more extreme for her. He was her childhood love, but left her scarred. On a night that she would never forget, Brock broke her heart and she was also in an accident. For years, she has tried her hardest to forget these events but Brock reentering her life has made her remember. Brock “The Beast” Mitchell has changed a lot since she last spoke to him but also seems so familiar that her heart is no longer safe. She thought she’d never see him again, but now not only does she have to spend her days with him but it seems like he wants to reconnect and repair the past.

“Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell.”

This was such a simply fun and heartwarming novel that I enjoyed immensely. The romance immediately drew me in and my heart was gone from the very beginning. Both characters were so deserving of a love story, I was holding my breath and waiting until they got together. The romance between Brock and Jillian was equal parts sweet and sexy. They also had a cute banter that came from them knowing each other for so long and meant this book was also very funny. Generally I don’t enjoy a childhood friends-to-lovers story but this turned my expectations on their head because I loved their relationship even more because they already knew each other. They had a sense of familiarly with each other but were also discovering each other for the first time, and I just ate it all up. The build-up was all sweet tension but man, did it explode. Not only did this completely warm my heart, but it also left me very flushed (if you know what I’m saying). This is what I call a perfectly rounded romance!

Even though I did really enjoy the romance, this book just wasn’t all that memorable to me. I can’t seem to pinpoint exactly why I didn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I flew through the novel but never really felt connected to the characters or care about them beyond their romance. Even their romance, which I did enjoy, just didn’t seem like it had a wow factor to blow me away. I’ve been reading such fantastic books lately, so when I read something that I don’t completely enjoy or love, it’s really noticeable to me.

“If you look up ‘flirt’ on the Internet, I’m sure it had a picture of him grinning the panties right off some chick.”

Although this isn’t the greatest romance that I’ve read by this author, it still made me feel a lot of emotions. As I’ve mentioned, my heart was completely melted by the romance and healing in this novel. There were so many times that I found myself just smiling at the banter or Jillian’s internal dialogue, and this happiness carried throughout the novel. Sometimes I just need a book that will put a smile on my face and warm my heart, and this is what this book gave me. Not only was it fun and heartwarming, there were also many emotional moments that brought me all the emotions. I felt so strongly for what happened to Jillian when she was younger and yearned for the broken relationship between her and Brock to be mended. I'm not sure if I was just feeling extra soppy, but I definitely felt very gushy, especially towards the end of the novel.

I haven't read all of the books in this series yet, but I have read a fair few. This is why it was so fun for me to see all of the characters that I have already grown to love have an appearance in the novel. I was a little skeptical about how all of the women from the other books were pregnant at the same time, but that's only the smallest detail. I just loved seeing the characters as one big happy family, which I admit, also made me feel very gushy!

"I love you because you have this fire in you that you don't even recognise, but I do. You're strong and you're a survivor."