A review by maria_3k
Awkward: The Science of Why We're Socially Awkward and Why That's Awesome by Ty Tashiro


This is a beautiful and highly informative book by an author who reflects on his own life and on scientific studies of the causes and effects of social awkwardness. Throughout, Ty Tashiro's optimism and gratefulness to all the folks who've helped him along the way shine through.
Professor Tashiro falls just short of being on the spectrum but has high scores in many measures of social awkwardness, and breaks down exactly what it is that many of us find so hard to understand about human interaction. Besides defining many common problems and suggesting solutions such as scripting common occurrences and priming kids with "what are the three things you should remember to do when you get to . . . ," Tashiro offers a guideline we would all do well to remember--in your dealings with others, remember to be Fair, Kind, and Loyal.