A review by bookphile
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling


How come half-bloods as mudbloods don’t get as much shit from the likes of Lucius Malfoy? Is it only because Voldy was a half-blood? Because for all the stink that Lucius and Malfoy make about mudbloods? Is this mentioned in the later books?
It’s fairy clear that the boys would not survive without Hermione. But a part of me thinks that she is the main drive for them getting into these situations. I mean Harry just happens to mention something that someone mentioned around him, and Hermione gets curious, and then she suggests they do research.
How did they survive this long without her? Also, this book suffers from a severe lack of Hermione in the second part.
This time around Gilderoy appeared much more sinister to me. I mean you could see him trying to ride on Harry’s coat-tails, and make it about being partners in fame. But honestly, there was a certain dangerous snideness under his “silly” comments, and you had to wonder is he was thinking of a way to get rid of Harry and claim the fame? Or maybe the snideness came from secretly hating Harry because he was more famous, and he couldn’t take it away from him?
Dumbledore isn’t that present in the first two books.
The Ministry shows such blatant incompetence every time a crisis comes up, it’s astounding they manage to do anything. I mean Hagrid gets expelled, the attacks stop. But he’s just a fall guy for them, and Dumbledore keeps him on school property as a gatekeeper. I mean either these idiots don’t care about letting a guy who released a murderous monster in the school being around their kids. Or they knew all along that he was innocent and basically pinned the blame on him to avoid dealing with the actual problem. I mean who cares about the fact that the guy who released monster into a school that killed a child is still out there, biding his time? Which begs the question: which of these is worse?
Then it’s really not that surprising that that three 12 year olds (or just Hermione really) managed to solve a crime on their own.