A review by reading_rainy
Beyond the Rain by Jess Granger


This is my third read of this story. It has an old-school/sci-fi romance feel to it. I LOVE the hero, Soren. I LOVE the slow world building (no info dumps!). And I LOVE the kick-butt heroine, however, she still takes WAY too long to choose Soren.

Captian Cyani is a warrior, she’s spent 14 years fighting for the Union. While she’s fierce, there is a sweet underlying venerability about her that I really like. She sacrifices for what she believes in. Her only friend is a fox-like creature. She is very lonely.

Soren has been a captive of cruel slavers for years. He is tortured for his essence that produces a highly sought over, drug-like substance. They meet when Cyani risks her life to rescues Soren from his captors and they crash land on a foreign planet.

Soren is a sensitive alpha. He will do anything for Cyani, protect her from enemies and even himself, if that is her choice. I believe they are both virgins, however only Soren specifically says he is. Their friendship and romance was a slow burn, but it’s intense. Soren’s species NEEDS a mate for survival, and will bond quickly. I love how his eye’s change color depending on his moods and this helps Cyani know what he’s feeling.

I wish that Jess Granger was still writing this genre, as she was wonderful in creating this world and the slow burn romance of these two original characters.

I love the correlation of the flowers from Cyani’s world (and her tattoos) to the flowering vicious weeds from Soren’s world, they both describe Cyani to perfection.
“Pakka vines, like your tattoos,” he explained.

She lifted her wrist. “These are Ciera blossoms,” she chuckled. Then she sobered as she thought about the meaning of her tattoos. “They start their lives on the ground of Azra. They grow for decades, reaching through the darkness until they finally climb into the canopy. When they see the light for the first time, they bloom.....what did you think they were?”

“Pakka vines,” he admitted. “They are a stubborn weed with nasty thorns that make you break out in an irritating rash....but when they bloom, their beauty is beyond belief.”