A review by cendi
The Heir by Kiera Cass


Reviewed By: Paperback Princesses

In the twenty years after America Singer won the Selection and married Prince Maxon, the castes have been dissolved and a princess has become of age. Eadlyn is the first princess to ever be heir to the throne, and as the provinces of Illéa are becoming outraged at their living conditions, Eadlyn holds the first ever Selection to win a princess’s heart.

I was so excited to read this book. When I learned that Cass was releasing a fourth and fifth novel, I could barely contain my excitement. I bought this book the day it came out and read it almost immediately.

There are ups and downs with this book. You don’t have to read this book to enjoy the Selection series, but you should read the first three books to read this one. I’ll do my best to keep this as spoiler-free as I can.

Eadlyn is a spoiled, sheltered girl. She can be cold, and doesn’t have the greatest people skills. But this doesn’t come as much of a shock, as she is a sheltered princess. She grows enough over the course of the pages that readers will warm up to her.

The book itself is a lot less eventful than the first three novels. We never witness a rebel attack, but along with the provinces, there is some unrest among the Selected. Fights break out and one of the Selected even touches Eadlyn without her permission.

One of the interesting things in this book is seeing the Selection from Eadlyn’s point of view, as Maxon’s Selection was told through America’s point of view. Its nice to hear from some familiar faces and even have America and Maxon reminisce about their selection.

I will definitely read this book, and I definitely recommend the series to anyone who likes dystopia and royalty. I can’t wait for the final book!