A review by nicolemhewitt
Twilight of the Elves by Zack Loran Clark, Nick Eliopulos


4.5/5 stars

This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

I thought this second book was even better than the first. This installment had all the adventurous and magical elements of the first book, but those aspects of the book were intensified. I also found myself laughing more, and the worldbuilding was stronger. I thought the first book did a pretty good job of these things, but this second book definitely outshone it.

But the thing that I loved most about this one was the social commentary. The elves have been herded into Freestone and are pretty much under guard. The humans look at them with suspicion---partially just because they're different and partially because they believe the elves brought their city's destruction down on themselves. In today's political and social climate, it's not hard to see some parallels there. Plus, we learn that the elves themselves have a society that has been at war with itself and certain factions are looked down on and treated as second-class citizens. (I will say that both the authors are white---and I am too---so it would be interesting to read the opinions of some POC readers, but I thought that they handled the plight of the elves very well and that the messages are positive.)

Oh, and once again, the ending has a twist that will send our heroes down a completely new path for book three!

This series is a perfect blend of adventure and heart!

***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***