A review by skyfox24kd
The Netherwell Horror by Lee Mountford


This book goes somewhere you don’t want your imagination to slip to and if- IF, by chance you do allow your walls to slip, and allow your mind to wander in just a little; allow yourself to become a character in the story; immerse yourself like most of us so love to do in books, thinking it is safe to do so...
well this one will leave you with a little something. This universe of books will definitely change you.

Think very hard about where you tread before you do. Unfortunately I have a very vivid imagination and so I was seeing the horrors described here in vivid high definition terror in my mind. I don’t forget either.
What was so bad?
Let’s just say, the town of Netherwell (lovely name, why doesn’t everyone want to move there!?) has its share of weirdos like every town and we aren’t talking super awesome weirdos, we are talking the kind that want you to join them, eat other ppl with them, then be sacrificed to some hideous thing in a hellish dimension to get an even more eternally dark creature to notice you so you can bring about utter chaos.
Let me warn you, the chaos is described in detail, slow deaths, very slow, agonizing... and I had to flip a switch. Not sure I realized this happened. I think I went into what I like to call
“ reader’s shock©️™️”. ( little joke to lighten the mood)
Even though I was switched off and as an observer (this isn’t my usual thing) my mind still screamed ..... Noooo!
The other two (this is part of a set) are like this as well with hellish creatures and situations/ realms. I have only read one other in the universe.