A review by angelinazahajko
The Wealthy Barber: The Common Sense Guide to Successful Financial Planning by David Chilton


[3.5 stars]

The Wealthy Barber is a book that is thrown at all Canadians who are interested in financial planning and I definitely understand why. It’s easy to follow with its narrative format and his “common sense” philosophy that advocates for paying yourself first above all else is something that everyone could get down with.

Unfortunately, I think the first edition of this book was plagued by its time. It’s a book written pre-internet, pre-2008, and pre-COVID; therefore, I found myself second guessing a lot of the information I was reading. Additionally, the goofy novel style definitely read like a 90s PSA that your teacher would play on a wheel-in TV. I understand the hype, but I think for someone my age (there were a lot of chapters about things that I will not have to worry about for awhile like wills and life insurance) and someone in my generation, there are better financial planning books out there.