A review by reading_addict_lemon
One Broke Girl by Rhonda Helms


Original post on http://readingadd.blogspot.ro/

I received this book for a honest review! Thanks! :)

I know that the idea of this book is not original, but I wanted something easy to read, a cute story with nice characters, a not so twisted and rollercoaster plot - so I started this.

It was a nice, easy and short read, and kind of a mouth of fresh air. I think that is because of the writing style, you go so fast in the story and you feel the emotions, and you can easily sympathize with the characters. And even if this is a short book it wasn't rushed, or this is my opinion.

For what this book is - a romance, an easy read and with a little bit of moral, because Anna discovers that is not so easy to make money and survive, and leave by yourself, it was good. If you want something fast, short, sweet, then you can read this. If you want something more deep or powerful, then I advise you to try something else.

As I was saying I enjoyed the story and I liked the characters too, Anna and Gavin are nice, not amazing, but good, and they make a nice couple. This books is nice, but just nice, not amazing, special, deep or whatever, is just a summer read, an easy book, something that you can read fast, enjoy and all that.

So, if you want a book like this then grab it.