A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
The Cottage by Ariana Nash


"Let's make this our life. We deserve it after all the shit we went through. Don't you think?"

Well I certainly freaking think so!! This book was such a gift to readers of the Prince's Assassins series. We get to see Niko and Vasili feeling all the emotions they both had to push back in an effort to make it through the journey to rid the world of the dark flame. Now that they are both free, these two are struggling with that freedom and how to express their love for each other. Neither wants to be vulnerable, Vasili especially, but when he finally lets that last wall down with Niko it was really wonderful to read. This was truly the HEA that these two men deserved. It was hard won, and never easy, but that just makes it all the more special. Love takes work and neither of these men are strangers to working hard. A great ending for a really awesome series.

" Everything good in my life is taken away."

" No force in this world can take me from you."