A review by teenykins
Storm Clouds and Devastation by Ashley James


'We're two people who realistically shouldn't be together, but it's as if he was sent here for me. We're two broken, jagged beings, who somehow manage to fit together and make a whole.'

This is my first Ashley James book but it won't be my last, even though the road was a bit rocky!

Bohdi's story is not an easy one. The bullying, the verbal and physical abuse from his brother, father and in the end from his best friend as well, is a punch to the stomach. The mother is unforgivable for me and I'm standing with Jules's in hating her. I don't care if you had
Spoileran affair and the kid is the other guy's
leaving him to be tormented by "his father" and brother, turning a blind to all of it and then making excuses and being in denial when your kid talks to you, then F you to the ends of the earth! Hope you enjoy hell BEATCH! Also I'm wondering about the middle brother... both characters though, as well as the father pretty much disappeared after the first part of the story.

'The broken piece of him fits perfectly with the broken piece of me, and there is something to be said about two people being able to love through their tears, through their heartache, through the mess that is life.'

Jules and Bodhi, had incredible chemistry in the bed and out of it. I found though, the ILUs came early, since they had met 3 times and had limited interactions since Bodhi wasn't open to keep communicating with him, for the sake of his past friendship with Ryan.

I found Ryan to be an obnoxious character and his character doing a 180 after they slept together. Although we only got to know him through Bo's eyes for when they were friends. But really I found his character a bit of a comically villain, obnoxious and entitled for what he asked of his father and then blackmailed him. Really? And in the end their talk, after Bo's letter, was really stilted and it was so not natural.

Jules's thinks at some point that parents shouldn't have discussion with their kids pertaining to their sex lives, but I think that is beyond wrong, especially if that relationship is a healthy one and has different dynamics from the most common one. If you don't talk to your kids for safe, sane and consensual when it comes to their sexual adventures then who should talk to them? Their friends, strangers or the internet?

Bo getting better happened off page, and it happened almost in magical way.

Also through the entire book Bo's height of 5'10" (177.8cm) is treated like he is less than 5'2" (157.48cm), small and petite. Since when 5'10" is petite and not average towards tall? Yes his difference in height with Jules being 6'5" is a big one, but not to the extreme that the book wants to portray.

These aren't such big issues but for me they are enough to throw me off the story.

Anyways... I'll be going back to read Camden's book and can't wait for Elias's.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.