A review by scottk1222
Bloodline by F. Paul Wilson


Book #11 out of 15. *** Sigh *** What can I say about a series I know is going to end within 4 more books. It is kind of a bittersweet statement, because even though you know the series is going to end , you also know that F. Paul Wilson will NOT let it end in a whimper. I am soooo grateful to whoever it was who told me about Repairman Jack/ F. Paul Wilson, to them I will always be grateful ( even though I am not sure how I found out about either).

IMHO, it takes a great author to have 11 books that I have read, and I have only found one of the 11 relatively boring. That means he more or less wrote 10 books that all had the same appeal and That is saying something. Bloodline does NOT stop that trend, I was a bit let down because the Otherness did not have a huge appearance in this book , but on the other hand it let us a little further into who/what Jack might be /will become. The escalation factor in this series is phenominal. I would be hard pressed to say that you could read one and not be curious the next time you were at your local bookstore and saw a new one.

Jack is such a regular guy it sometimes surprises me that he has been chosen, but then you see the zeal with which he protects Gia and Vicky , and even Abe to some extent and you see he has many layers ( like an onion. I feel as if I know these people. I have been following their lives for a couple of years now. It will be sad to see them go. Thank GOD I have 4 more installments to go, before we say Good bye.