A review by lizanneyoung
Curated by Nellie Wilson


Thank you to the author for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. 

🔴 Generalized Anxiety
🔴 Use of “crazy” with corrections
🔴 Significant alcohol consumption

🏺 Forced Proximity
🏺 Golden Retriever MC
🏺 Grumpy MC
🏺 Pseudo Rivals

My first five star read of 2023! This book was everything I wanted it to be, as someone with Anthropology degrees who suffers from anxiety and is married to a working geologist. Specific, I know, but I had very high hopes for this book. I finished it in two sittings only because I had to go to sleep to be functional for work the next day.

Curated embodies so much of what it’s like to work in humanities and working in collections. Combined with the struggle of submitting to conferences and trying to create a positive visitor experience (something my MA thesis focused on), it was a realistic depiction of the industry as it is today.

Emmy and Ryan’s relationship is fun, spicy, and natural. He makes the effort to understand how her brain works and why it works that way, which really helps prevent most of the miscommunication between them. Of course, that doesn’t stop it from happening in the final act, but the work he puts in to understand her and to make sure she enjoys their time together is admirable.

And Emmy. Watching Emmy navigate the world was so relatable to me. Her passion for her work and museum is infectious and makes you care about her subject just as much as she does. I love everything about her.