A review by kadomi
Wings of Wrath by C.S. Friedman


Decent, but not outstanding. Kinda boring, actually, as I squeezed in another book while I was midway because it just didn't grab me. The middle volume of the trilogy doesn't really do much to advance the plot. There's very little actually happening. The focus of the book shifts to the north, where Rhys investigates the Wrath, the magical border to keep the Souleaters from coming back, and finds out more about the past and what the Wrath really is. He is aided by Kamala, the only female magister. The PoV shifts quite a bit, including the new character Salvator, the successor as High King. I found him utterly boring and flat. The characters just aren't that much in depth. I would have liked to see more political machinations of the magisters, but there was very little of that at all.

Still, I want to know how this ends and find out more about Colivar, the only truly interesting character so far. Let's hope the conclusion is more satisfying than the middle.