A review by evil_jj
Catch My Breath by M.J. O'Shea


When I started reading this book, I wasn't too impressed. I thought the writing was mediocre and wasn't sure the behavior of the 5 guys in the group was believable. Then somewhere along the way, I got sucked in and fell in love with Danny and Elliot. I loved the sexual tension and the constant struggle to hide their relationship. My favorite parts were the Delly fangirl tweets because I was feeling pretty fangirly myself!

I'd never heard of One Direction (the RL boy band Catch My Breath is about) before coming across this book, and I decided not to look them up before reading it so I would't know what to expect. After I finished though, I googled Larry Stylinson (Harry Styles + Louis Tomlinson) and watched a few youtube videos of the manlove. I must say, real romance or not, that is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I've never seen 2 guys act so cuddly with one another, and it just makes me smile! I mean, how often do you get to read a sweet m/m love story then watch it happen with 2 real people? *happy sigh*

Oh and I'm totally convinced the Larry thing is real based on this video: