A review by alexandra_luiza
Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence by Esther Perel

informative reflective fast-paced


 Esther Perel offers an interesting exploration of the complexities of desire within long-term relationships. The book delves into how the domestication of intimacy can often lead to a diminishment of sexual desire and provides insights into reconciling this paradox.

However, I found that the book, while rich in studies and examples, falls short of thoroughly unpacking the psychological underpinnings of its central thesis. It often presents research findings without fully exploring the psychological mechanisms at play, leaving a reader like me wanting more depth in this regard. This approach made the book feel more like a survey of studies rather than an in-depth exploration of the intricate dance between intimacy and desire in domestic settings.

That said, the book does shine in parts, offering valuable perspectives and prompting readers to reflect on their own relationships. It serves as a good starting point for anyone looking to understand the challenges of sustaining desire in long-term partnerships, although those seeking a deep dive into the psychology of relationships might find it lacking in parts.

Overall, the book provides a thoughtful, albeit surface-level, examination of an important and complex topic. It's definitely worth a read for its interesting insights, but be prepared to look further if you're after a deeper psychological analysis.