A review by alongreader
Love, Heather by Laurie Petrou


Stevie knows her school has its cliques, but she doesn't think they were too bad until she falls foul of the popular girls. Alone both in school and at home, she finds friendship with other outsiders. Together they start to get their revenge on the bullies, until things start going too far and the line between bully and victim blurs.

This seemed like it would be a really good read. However, it's extremely slow paced. The whole first half of it is setting things up - it could easily have been done much faster, but no one even mentions revenge until 48%, it's all just set up until then. The revenge itself is mostly done offscreen and just discussed afterwards. Stevie was occasionally childish and self absorbed, but as a teenager that's justified. And I'm not sure I understand the revelation about Dee.

I don't want it to seem like this is a terrible novel. It was interesting and I liked all the shout outs to classic movies. I am a bit confused about how old the characters are; it says fourteen at one point and they're in ninth grade, but they're described as drinking and having sex and they certainly act older. I hope they are older, to be honest.

Not an awful read, but not a great one either.