A review by nightresplendent
I Am Heathcliff: Stories Inspired by Wuthering Heights by Kate Mosse


I Am Heathcliff is a collection of 16 short stories curated by @katemossewriter in honour of Emily Brontë's 200th birthday on 30th July. Each story is based, some more loosely than others, on Brontë's 1847 classic, Wuthering Heights.

I've never really considered myself to be a great fan of Wuthering Heights, I think dissecting it in school removed any pleasure from it, but I thoroughly enjoyed this collection of stories. Each takes a different look at the characters and overall plot of Wuthering Heights and translates it for today's reader. It was really interesting to read the takes of so many well known authors on such an iconic story.

Thank you so much to @boroughpress for sending me a free copy of I Am Heathcliff!