A review by hotgirlfiction
Half a World Away by Mike Gayle


Half a World Away follows the heartbreaking story of two siblings, Kerry and Noah, who are taken into care and live very different lives.

This is my second Mike Gayle book, and this one is a clear favourite. It was beautifully written; both characters immediately come to life, their personality completely throws itself at you on the page. Kerry is down to earth, lovable and endlessly caring, whilst Noah is extremely intelligent and kind-hearted. As the book progresses, I became overwhelmingly invested in their blossoming relationship and hoped for a sweet ending.

Somewhere in the middle, this novel turns into a heart-wrenching example of how easily life can fall away from you. Kerry's struggle hit very close to home for me personally, and the raw, vivid descriptions of her illness brought me to tears. This novel is a beautiful telling of the strength of family, and whilst making me cry, brought hope to my heart. It won't leave me for a very long time, and in my opinion is a must-read for everyone.