A review by simran_silva
Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer: How to Win Top Writing Assignments by Jenna Glatzer


Glatzer has a way of grabbing your attention right at the outset of this valuable writers tool book and not only keeping it but heightening it with each chapter. I have never read a "How To" book with such excitement that I wanted to try every suggestion as soon as I could, yet not wanting to put it down until I greedily read and savored every page.
She covers everything you need to know before and during the time you make the decision to make a real living as a freelance writer, as she has done. Beginning with a quote from Olin Miller, "Writing is the hardest way of earning a living, with the possible exception of wrestling alligators," Glatzer lets you know that it won't be an easy ride, but it can be an exciting one if you really want it bad enough.

For those passionate about writing and desirous of making it a goal to succeed as a freelance writer, this book is for you. Laced with the Glatzer wit that graces all of her books on writing, it is truly a reference book that you do not want to be without, but rather have by your side for every writing assignment.

Taking you through 17 chapters, covering issues like getting started, setting goals and treating your writing as a business to finding and studying the markets you're trying to break into, writing query letters, pitching like a pro, copy rights, interviews, editors and ... the ever present dreaded taxes.

Letting you in on the "secrets" of the publishing world certainly helps when you're trying to make it in the freelancing arena. It is not easy but it's worth every drop of blood, sweat and tears that you exude, once you see your name in the byline of a publication, be it in virtual or tangible form.

There are constructive assignments, exercises and hints to help you along in your endeavors too. Helping you to win top writing assignments is the goal of this book and by applying the instruction within, it can be accomplished.

Make A Real Living As A Freelance Writer also includes two appendix: Queries That Landed Me the Jobs and Useful Jargon. Also, after you buy the book you can email Jenna for an editor's cheat sheet, as an added bonus.