A review by beastreader
The Knockoff by Jo Piazza, Lucy Sykes


I would not call myself a fashionista. Yet I wanted to check this book out because it did talk about laughs. I am always on the look out for a good book that will make me laugh. There were moments that I did find myself smiling from the antics or conversations that took place in this book. Once I picked up this book I was blazing through it reading it. I was more than half way when I put it down.

However I am closer to Eve's age but I really related to Imogen. I am on social media but not a junkie or would I call myself a expert either. I have twitter and facebook accounts. I don't really get twitter and it is only really used when I post a review about a book via goodreads. I briefly tried Pinterest for like 3 seconds. Also, I don't own a cell phone. So I was truly behind Imogen. Plus, I thought Eve was a bitch. She should have been more gracious towards Imogen as she was the one that helped her. The nice gal does finish first.