A review by magencorrie
Across the Universe by Beth Revis


3.5 stars!

My Thoughts:

Across the Universe took me by surprise, honestly. I didn't expect to enjoy this book as much as I did. I’m glad that I finally picked it up. I’m so picky when it comes to books that take place in outer space, and even though I felt the book could have been a bit better, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Even though I kept having Battlestar Galactica moments (I love that show).

I also enjoyed the characters that Beth created; both Elder and Amy. They were interesting, and pulled me into their world, held my attention. Even some of the side characters were interesting, each playing an interesting role aboard Godspeed.

The plot, though not all original, was attention-grabbing. It sucked me in; I couldn't wait to read what would happen next. The mystery that was in it was also interesting. I was taken by surprise by how some of the event unfolded; how some of it turned out. I couldn't believe some of the things that happened, which is good! It’s good when an author can keep a reader guessing. The book also switches back and forth from Elder's and Amy's POV, which I really liked that. You get two very didn't sides of the story. It allows you to see each character's world, and their understanding of it.

"My pale skin flashes white. I am different from them in every way. I am shorter, younger, paler, brighter. I am from another world." -Amy

What I loved: That it's a sci-fiction, dealing with space, and that I actually enjoyed it!! It’s very hard for me to like books that take place on a space ship. I’m very picking; however, Across the Universe was pretty amazing. I liked how Beth showed us what could happen to people when they are in space for hundreds of years, how their lives change, their society, beliefs and costumes. Some of it was definitely a wow factor, some I didn't really like per say; however, some of it was really interesting and a cool idea.

What I felt needs improvement: I felt that the characters could have been more rounded. It felt like I only got to see (know) one side of them. There seemed to be more I could learn about them, personality wise. I also hope that more is explained about what happened on Godspeed, the journey, in the next books.

“Maybe the secret of the stars has nothing to do with being alone.” -Elder

I’m really glad I enjoyed Across the Universe; that it wasn't what I original thought it would be. I had the book sitting on my shelf forever, but I just couldn't bring myself to pick it up. I’m glad I finally did.

I love when I’m nervous about a book, not sure if I will like it, and then it turns out that I do, in fact, come to enjoy it, even love it. I feel Beth did an amazing job by creating this story, though it isn't an original idea, but she was able to give it a spin to make me consume it as fast as I could. I’m definitely continuing the series!