A review by kaitib
Life After Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon - Survival of Bodily Death by Raymond A. Moody Jr.


I really enjoyed this book. It's not as good as George Ritchie's Return From Tomorrow, but this book gave good insight on what to expect when we die. I like that, though Moody stresses there is no way he can scientifically prove that near-death experiences are very real, he thoroughly believes these people's stories. I also like that he points out that many people who look for explanations to dismiss these phenomena often do so because they are set in their beliefs of the scientific method, the belief system society has developed for us.

Moody says,

" . . . it seems to me to be an open possibility that our present inability to construct a "proof" may not represent a limitation imposed by the nature of the near-death experiences themselves. Perhaps it is instead a limitation of the currently accepted modes of scientific and logical thought. It may be that the perspective of the scientists and logicians of the future will be very different."

I like this bit because it makes me think how much mankind as developed, and yet we have so much farther to go. It's amazing that we live in a world where resuscitation is possible. As a result of that we have numerous examples of people who have "gone on" and come back. I find it especially interesting that many of these people had no religious beliefs prior to their experiences.

It's interesting too that all of these stories (except for cases of attempted suicide) give an uplifting
view of the afterlife. It seems to be an overall positive experience and gives reason not to be afraid of death. With this greater understanding these people find it important to love as much as possible and to learn as much as possible in the time that has been given to them.

Overall, I like this book because it inspires me to love deeper and to seek constant education.

I gave it four stars instead of five because the last half of the book is basically a question and answer section. I don't mind this and it's fairly interesting but I am much more interested in the actually NDE stories. I would rather read the stories and draw my own conclusions from them.

This book is great but I like Return From Tomorrow better.