A review by raefurlong98
Finding Dandelion by Lex Martin


Though I was very excited to read this book because Dearest Clementine was so amazing, I was worried I wouldn't like it as much. This was because I didn't like Jax's character from what I had read in the first book. HOWEVER Finding Dandelion proved me wrong. It was amazing (of course) and I have to say Dani's character was fantastic. I loved her wit and humor just as much as I loved Clementine's. She was so relatable and it was great to see Jax's POV as well. Even though some things he did made me literally scream at him through my Kindle, THE ENDING WAS PERFECTION. I was squealing with happiness because of how it ended and left me with the biggest smile. If you are to read this book, you can read it alone. Go ahead. HOWEVER YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED IF YOU READ THE FIRST BOOK FIRST. You will thank me afterwards for suggesting you do so after you discover for yourself the amount of perfection this book beholds. I'm getting nervous about Kissing Madeline, the third book, though because Darren and Veronica literally make me cringe every time I read about them. So hopefully Veronica will get what's coming to her, and maybe, just maybe I'll be able to forgive Darren too. But not Veronica. Just no. Overall 5 stars to not only this book, but to the author, Lex Martin, as well. I think I stand for all her readers when I say, thank you for this work of literature.