A review by ljrinaldi
The Famous Family Trees by Kari Hauge


I liked the idea of this book, but once it was all said and done, there wasn't much there, there, as Gerturde Stein said about Oakland.

The idea is to take famous people, and show how their families of their family tree were also itnersting people. At least that was what I gathered. Like the Barrymores all went on with acting, and Henry Fonda and Jane Fonda did. Or the way the Roosevelts had famous presidents in their lineage. Or That was what I was expecting.

But, instead, we got examples like Laura Ingles Wilder, where only Laura, and her daughter, Rose Wilder Lane, went on to do anything, and the rest were just fodder for stories.

The families they picked were interesting choices, but usually only the famous person did something, well, famous.

The Famous Family Tree

The Famous Family Tree

The Famous Family Tree

The Famous Family Tree

The Famous Family Tree

Perhaps there should have been more on each person.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.