A review by rlisaacs
The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley


Shout out to Maddie, who recommended this to me and then lent me her copy so I could read it. I really loved this book!

Ever since "How to Train Your Dragon" came out, and even before that, I've loved stories with dragons, and have looked for books that might include them in the sense of companions, or even shifters that turn into dragons. This book obviously steers from that a bit, in that the dragons are bad guys. But I still loved this book. I loved Aerin. I loved Aerin's relationship to Talat, the horse. And though we saw him but briefly, I liked Luthe as well.

Can't wait to read "The Blue Sword". (Maddie has also lent me her copy of that as well. That is actually listed here as being the first book, but she told me that this one is the one that takes places first, so that is why I read this one first.)