A review by elliotvanz
Casting Deep Shade: An Amble by C. D. Wright


I’ve always meant to read C.D. Wright but never seemed to get around to it. I’m glad I finally did. This book is a meditation on trees, especially the beech. It’s also so much more than that. Wright’s writing holds up a mirror and casts reflections on America, her life, environmentalism, and so much more. I’ve never so desperately desired to teach an entire college level semester focusing on a text before - I can think of so many things to discuss, and assignments on observation. This book is such a perfect elegy. It reminded me of all the trees I’ve loved and lost along the way, and why I still cry when the great ones fall. I should also mention this book is a truly lovely object. The photography, art, binding, and even the typesetting all add to the reading experience. I will absolutely be keeping this one for my shelves and revisiting it.