A review by duckygal
A Death on Fools Lane by Jane Suen


This is the fourth book in the Eve Sawyer Mystery series, a short easy read, but not lacking by any means. This is an enjoyable mystery, set around the holidays, containing twists, suspense and the interactive feeling trying to solve it alongside Eve. 

Anyone who knows me, knows I adore a good mystery, and I certainly enjoyed how my mind was kept active trying to solve the mystery amidst the twists and this engagement heightening the joy I felt reading this book. 

The author’s descriptive writing brings both the setting and the characters to life, making it so easy to step into the world surrounding the characters and being reluctant to rejoin the real world. The details and events come together nicely for the conclusion and the journey to reach it was well-written and enjoyable. 

The characters were also well-constructed, Eve especially. Mystery just seems to follow her, and her investigative determination and her empathy won’t allow her to turn away even when it puts her in danger. 

A great read, I love forward to the next!