A review by iphigenie72
Sunday Potluck Club by Melissa Storm


I don’t like reading people’s reviews before reading a book just the synopsis, but I should have at least checked the shelves this book was on. I thought this would be about a group of friends grieving together and getting acclimated to a life with someone missing in it and the beginning was promising… but then a guy shows up and the first description we had of him includes his chin and I went: “oh *expletive starting with c deleted*, this is a romance!” (Sorry, I’m not big on romance). This could still have been good but it went then predictable, predictable, predictable with dogs (not big on dogs either, I have two lovely cats though so I’m for pets) and kid (don’t have children, but plenty of great-nephews and nieces). I guess I like to be surprised in every book I read, that’s my main takeaway when I finish not necessarily the content, but the twists and how surprised I was is my most important and I wasn’t surprised once reading this. I liked some scenes especially towards the end one with the child and one with the group of friends, but the rest was just not for me.