A review by crystalstarrlight
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury


Bullet Review:

A Book Club choice for Halloween; I have read Bradbury's [b:Fahrenheit 451|17470674|Fahrenheit 451|Ray Bradbury|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1366411587s/17470674.jpg|1272463] and enjoyed that well enough. And it's not like he's a bad author - I just simply don't care for this book at all. It wasn't all that scary (maybe a bit creepy). Some good points, but often, the plot just disappears while characters talk about Great Important Things. Also not sure if the Narrator's somewhat sleepy voice just didn't help keep my attention.

Definitely an "It's not you, it's me" type book; I would still recommend a go even if I didn't care for it much myself.

Maybe full review to come. Not very much of the book stuck with me (the narrator again? Or the writing itself?), so I don't know that I can give a good review based on the little remember. To be honest, I haven't listened to an audiobook where so much disappeared from my memory since "Wolf Hall".

UPDATE: Yeah, I'm not even gonna bother with a full review, as my memory of this book has been on the rapid decline since I finished it. In fact, as I write this (after book club mind you), all I can remember is that there are two boys in this book, an evil carnival that comes to town, and a carousel that can change people's ages if you ride on it.

To those of you who read and loved it: I am extremely happy for you and wish that your luck with this book had bled off on me. I was really excited to read another Bradbury and thus was disappointed when it bored me to death.

However, part of me wonders if the reason this bored me so was the narrator, who had a good voice, but so dark and sleepy that it couldn't keep my attention longer than a couple of minutes. It reminds me with my experience with "Wolf Hall", a book I listened to on audiobook and couldn't recall a single event that transpired. (In the latter case, enough friends liked it that I panicked and went to SparkNotes to try to figure out what I listened to; with this book, I just didn't care so I plowed through.)

This isn't a review in my typical sense; I'm not going to try to sway people not to read it (though I will recommend just reading the dead tree/ebook version vs the audiobook). I just didn't get a whole lot out of the book.

As for this being a creepy/scary Halloween read - yeah, don't buy it. Even when I was following the story, the most I felt was mildly creeped out, not scared or afraid to go to sleep at night. I've been scared harder by bugs than by this book.