A review by lauranicholereads
Burying Eva Flores by Jennifer Alsever


Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to listen & review this audiobook.

I really enjoyed the narration and multiple POVs. The style of the book was unique in the way it shifted timelines, perspectives, and storytelling format. I thought it would be confusing but it worked really well and I enjoyed it. I thought the characters were authentic and well developed. I really enjoyed the growth of the two main characters and their dynamic. I wish that had been explored more.

I wish there had been more set up with the supernatural element of the book. I just felt like some aspects of the story came out of nowhere and things were left unexplained or unresolved. The subplot with Eva's dad felt unnecessary, underdeveloped, and then wrapped up quickly.

The idea of the ending was great, but the execution of it just didn't work for me. It felt too open ended and unrealistic. I think this is a solid YA read and I could definitely see this playing out as TV show.