A review by mllejoyeuxnoel
Now I Rise by Kiersten White


Really great follow-up to the first installment! Lada continues to be one of my favorite protagonists; I laughed out loud whenever she did something completely insane, like break into a child's room at night to give said child a knife to defend herself... from intruders like Lada. So if you loved her the first time around, you'll love her still in this sequel. She also grows as she fights her way to the Wallachian throne - physically and politically. (Though I will say I wasn't crazy about how much her arc in this book felt a bit like we had some Harry Potter and the Unnecessarily Extended Camping Trip action, which is the only reason I give the book four stars and not five.)

Now Radu... my sweet smol son whom I will protect with my life... I spent the entire book feeling like this guy about Radu and Cyprian:

Hoo boy - there is a new ship available to the audience in this book, and I am just as on board with it as Nazira. (We also get to see a lot more of her being the fabulous gay queen she is! WOO!)

Can't wait for the next part of the saga! 2018 can't come soon enough...