A review by urbanbookbabe
Roast Mortem by Cleo Coyle


WARNING this more like a Ranterview and contains some spoilers.

Claire Cossi is at it again! Save me please.

Claire becomes Super Barista in this installment of the Coffee House Mysteries.

Somebody is burning down cafes around the boroughs and obviously only Claire can solve the case. Not the Arson investigator, not the NYPD, but Super Claire. Things get hot when fire fighters start to die. Not only is one of the almost murder victims Fire Captain Michael Quinn but his own cousin Detective Mike Quinn is a suspect in the attack. Confusing right?

Take one part annoyance, judgmental, nosey demanding coffee house manager and stir in some tight ass, brew together unit you have the perfect pain in my ass aka Claire Cossi.

I understand that characters need flaws in order to be more relatable and realistic, I actually prefer it, but Claire Cossi annoys me beyond all reason.

First: She is so incredibly judgmental, I can't give you examples because none stick out, it's just something you pick up while reading, or at least I do, in every book.

She basically accused everybody of being the arsonist without any evidence what so ever.
You can't pay me to believe that every investigating body, NYFD, NYPD, DEA and FBI will defer to a coffee barista to solve everything that is going on in this book, and believe me there is a lot.

Second: I understand that the point of these cozy sleuth novels are nosey main characters, but Claire demands answers out of people with no credentials whatsoever . I for one can tell you she wouldn't get spit out of me if I didn't want to disclose anything. Period. Also, I like my cozies somewhat short, I think this book was entirely too long. If Claire didn't painstakingly relate everything to coffee with descriptions longer than The Great Wall this book wouldn’t have been so long.

Claire is such a coffee snob. I love coffee, a lot. You don't get the best me until I have a cup of the good stuff first. You would think that coffee was the blood of Jesus the way Claire goes on and on about thought.

I really do enjoy themed cozies but I don't think they should overshadow the mystery. The mystery should be on the forefront while the theme, an accent to the story as well as informative.

There is some tension between Mike and his cousin Michael that goes way back and Claire does everything she can to find out, despite the fact that Mike definitely doesn't want to talk about it.
I a firm believer that if somebody's past doesn’t affect the case you’re butting in or relationship, you should leave it up to them to disclose it. That's a no go for Claire she has to know EVERYTHING.

Third: She is so uptight, not a single cuss word or close to comes out her mouth. Three words that had me thinking I was reading a book from the 30's
1. Randy
2. Holy Cats
3. Ninny
Give me a break. Betty White use more foul language than anyone in these books.

Her relationship

There is no spark to me. I just can't get invested in it. Not only does Claire let Michael Quinn put doubt in Mike Quinn without even letting him tell her his side first. How could you be so high and mighty and want justice one minute, but get a burr in your butt when you find out your boyfriend, who is a cop, did his job and had is cousin arrested for DUI? It's like she doesn't even know Mike at all.

In the last book she instantly believed Matteo when he told her that Mike was cheating on her. She got herself all in a twist when she found out Mike hadn't disclosed his ex-wife’s shenanigans, but how Matteo continues to treat her like they are still in a relationship is never discussed. It just is.

A blind man could see the NYFD Michael Quinn had slept with Linda, and that was the other part of back story behind the family feud. In the last book, we discovered that NYPD Mike Quinn's ex-wife was an adulterous spoiled bitch. There was a reason for so much animosity for a reason, and it wasn't because a kid got arrested for a well-deserved DUI. 1+1 is 2 AmIrite?

By the end of the book Claire manages to get her struggling artist employee some recognition solves the arsonist fire cases, the undercover drug case Mike was working on and the attack on Captain Michael Quinn of the NYFD. All in the days work of a coffee house manger.