A review by emilymaree10
The Most Difficult Thing by Charlotte Philby


I have mixed feelings towards this book...

The starting really caught my attention and had me intrigued but then the more I read the more it started to go in a complete different way than I was expecting.

I'd love to try and give a summary of the book but I honestly don't even know how.
All I can say is that the main character Anna, is hiding things from her family and gets herself into a big sticky situation.
But like also the way this ended makes me think there might be a second book. Because if there isn't going to be another book, then I am very confused by that ending as it left things very open.

I'm sorry but i'm also over reading about a main female protagonist who starts to lose her mind and goes crazy. Oh and who is also dependent on a guy to give her life any meaning because if she doesn't have him there, then she won't know how to cope.

I think I liked the writing and the pacing of this book, and I also really liked the way the author described the atmosphere, places they visited, ect! But unfortunately, I just think the story line was too bizarre and unbelievable for me to enjoy. The relationships in this story were also a miss as well, as I felt no chemistry between anyone and they were just all over the place!

If you are interested in reading about spys and bringing down a big corporate and all that smart, technical stuff, then this might be for you. However, it was not for me.